about us
Real-Time Text Message Updates
Does your vehicle repair shop keep you informed on the status of your vehicle’s repairs throughout the day? We do with autotext.me! The number one complaint in the auto repair industry is how customers are in the dark on where their vehicle stands in the repair process. We wrote this system to keep you, the customer, up-to-date and informed!

Since 2012, thousands of shop owners, technicians, and advisors have said goodbye to entry-level tools and prefer our best-in-class digital vehicle inspection and 2-way text messaging platform to pair perfectly with their shop management software.
But we make today’s shop management software better
Whether you’re a shop managing with paper tickets or a shop that’s made the move to an all-in-one shop management system — let us help you automate your profits from simply sending better texts, to getting more online reviews, to sharing enhanced digital vehicle inspections, to automating best in class CRM reminders to boosting efficiency in quality control, internal communication, techflow & workflow.
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Haris Chambers
Project manager
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